Pre-marital and pre-unional financial agreements and their circulation in the context of the new Eu regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104


Autor: Paolo Bruno (Italia): Justice and Home Affairs Counsellor, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU. Correo electrónico:

Resumen: Los Reglamentos (UE) 2016/1103 y 2016/1104 brindan a los cónyuges y unidos la posibilidad de celebrar acuerdos para la organización de su régimen patrimonial, pero no detallan su contenido y estructura. Además, si bien la posibilidad de celebrar esos acuerdos, incluso antes del matrimonio o la celebración de una unión registrada es una innovación valiosa en comparación con otros reglamentos europeos en materia de familia, es probable que algunas decisiones tomadas por el legislador europeo sobre la ley aplicable sean fuente de inconvenientes.

Además, en cuanto a su reconocimiento y ejecución en los Estados miembros participantes- que se basarán en las mismas normas dictadas para las decisiones, los documentos públicos y las transacciones judiciales- debe prestarse atención a su admisibilidad en algunos de ellos, como Italia, donde la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo se opone firmemente a su aceptación.

Palabras clave: acuerdos prematrimoniales; acuerdos previos a la convivencia; reglamentos UE.

Abstract: Regulations (EU) 2016/1103 and 2016/1104 provide spouses and partners with the possibility to conclude agreements for the organization of their property regime but do not detail their content and structure. Moreover, while the possibility to conclude those agreements even prior to the marriage or the conclusion of a registered partnership is a valuable innovation in comparison with other European Regulations in family matters, some choices made by the European legislator on applicable law will likely be source of inconveniences.

Furthermore, as for their recognition and enforcement in the participating Member States – which will be based on the same rules enacted for decisions, authentic instruments, and court settlements – attention should be paid to their admissibility in some of them, like Italy, where the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court is steadily opposed to their acceptance.

Key words:

I. Introduction.
II. Definitory problems and scope of the regulations.
III. Informal agreements, court settlements and authentic instruments.
IV. Applicable law and related shortcomings in the planning of pre-nuptial and pre-unional agreements.
V. Common features of the circulation of agreements in the AFSJ…
VI. … And peculiarities concerning the circulation of pre-nuptial and pre-unional agreements.
VII. The Italian experience in the light of the supreme Court of Cassation’s case-law.
VIII. Conclusions.

Revista indexada en SCOPUS (Q3), REDIB, ANVUR (Clase “A”), LATINDEX, CIRC (B), MIAR.

Referencia: Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana Nº 15 bis, agosto 2021, ISSN: 2386-4567, pp. 34-51.


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