Property and cross-border couples from the perspective of European regulation.


Autora: Lucia Ruggeri. Full Professor, Private Law, School of Jurisprudence, University of Camerino. E-mail:

Abstract: The family property regimes constitute a relevant sector of the EU regulatory framework strongly connected with fundamental rights policies. Family property offers specific issues which need to balance individual rights with general interests, especially in matter of real estate property. The fragmentation of the discipline in EU Family law, the diversity of the domestic rules regarding rights in rem requires a large use of flexibility from EU legislator and EU legal professionals. The discipline provides by EU Regulations 1103 and 1104/2016 could be an interesting example to manage cross-border couple’s interests: the principles of universality and unity have to be used appropriately and, in some case, the best solution is “retraction” and “adaptation” of domestic legal framework.

Key words: property; family; property regimes; cross-border couples.

Resumen: Los regímenes económico-matrimoniales constituyen un sector relevante de la regulación de la Unión Europea conectado fuertemente con los derechos fundamentales. El régimen económico-matrimonial presenta problemas específicos que necesitan equilibrar derechos individuales con intereses generales, especialmente en materia de propiedad inmobiliaria. La fragmentación de la disciplina en Derecho de Familia de la UE y la diversidad de las reglas nacionales en relación con los derechos reales, requiere una gran flexibilidad por parte del legislador de la UE y los profesionales de la UE. La regulación proporcionada por los Reglamentos UE 1103 y 1104/2016 pueden ser un ejemplo interesante de cómo gestionar los intereses de parejas transfronterizas: Los principios de universalidad y unidad deben ser utilizados de forma apropiada y, en ciertos casos, la mejor solución es “retracción” y “adaptación” del sistema legal nacional.

Palabras clave: propiedad; familia; régimen económico; parejas transfronterizas.

I. Property and family between “retraction” and adaptation. The difficult subsumptions required by article 81 TFEU.
II. Family property regimes and the relevance of the European Union charter of fundamental rights: reasons and effects of the explicit reference included in recital 73.
III. The relevance of individual rights with regard to family property regimes: property disclosure versus protection of confidentiality.
IV. The principles of universality and unity: a new perimeter for the Lex fori.
V. The vis attractiva of immovable property in identifying the applicable law.
VI. Concluding remarks.

Revista indexada en SCOPUS (Q3), REDIB, ANVUR (Clase “A”), LATINDEX, CIRC (B), MIAR.

Referencia: Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana Nº 15 bis, agosto 2021, ISSN: 2386-4567, pp. 252-273


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