The variation of the law applicable to the family property regime in EU regulations n. 2016/1103 and 1104


Autor: Nicola Cipriani (Italia): Full Professor of Private Law, Lum – Libera Università Mediterranea “G. Degennaro”-Bari. Correo electrónico:

Abstract: The essay examines the discipline of EU regulations n. 2016/1103 and 1104 concerning the identification of the law applicable to the family property regime. Specifically, the work reflects on problems arising after a change, during the relationship, of the substantial law applicable to the couple’s property regime.

Key words: EU regulations n. 2016/1103 and n. 2016/1104; family property regime; international private law.

Resumen: El ensayo examina los reglamentos de la UE n. 2016/1103 y 1104 en lo que respecta a la identificación de la ley aplicable al régimen económico familiar. En concreto, la obra reflexiona sobre los problemas que surgen tras un cambio, durante la relación, de la ley sustancial aplicable al régimen patrimonial de la pareja.

Palabras clave: reglamentos UE n. 2016/1103 y n. 2016/1104; régimen económico familiar; derecho privado internacional.

I. Foreword. The law applicable to property relations in the family. The n. 1103 and 1104/2016 EU regulations.
II. The possibility of variation of the law applicable to the family property regime.
III. The effectiveness respect to third parties of the variation of the applicable law.

Revista indexada en SCOPUS (Q3), REDIB, ANVUR (Clase “A”), LATINDEX, CIRC (B), MIAR.

Referencia: Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana Nº 15 bis, agosto 2021, ISSN: 2386-4567, pp. 118-129


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