Italian assisted negotiation: an additional tool to settle matrimonial property regime cases.


Autora: Manuela Giobbi. Research fellow, University of Camerino. E-mail:

Abstract: The assisted negotiation procedure highlighted the need to distinguish the various forms of justice in view to obtaining decisions that can effectively satisfy the interests of the family. In fact the agreements who discipline the family conflicts attributes a central role to the will of the couple in the collaborative search for suitable solutions for the management of the crisis of the emotional bond.

Key words: Assisted negotiation; prenuptial agreements; family conflicts; alternative dispute resolution.

Resumen: El procedimiento de negociación asistida remarcó la necesidad de distinguir las distintas formas de justicia para obtener decisiones que efectivamente satisfagan los intereses de la familia. De hecho, los acuerdos que disciplinan los conflictos familiares atribuyen un papel central a la voluntad de la pareja en la búsqueda colaborativa de soluciones adecuadas para el manejo de la crisis del vínculo emocional.

Palabras clave: negociación asistida; acuerdos prematrimoniales; conflictos familiares; métodos alternativos de solución de conflictos.

I. Introduction.
II. Assisted negotiation.
III. Judicial and other authorities, and legal professionals in Regulations 2016/1103 and 2016/1104.
IV. “Prenuptial agreements” for managing family conflicts.
V. Alternative management of family disputes.

Revista indexada en SCOPUS (Q3), REDIB, ANVUR (Clase “A”), LATINDEX, CIRC (B), MIAR.

Referencia: Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana Nº 15 bis, agosto 2021, ISSN: 2386-4567, pp. 164-179.


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