Family home rights in divorce


Autor: Gabriele Carapezza Figlia (Italia): Full Professor of Civil Law, Head of the Department of Law, Lumsa Palermo. E-mail:

Abstract: The essay offers a “map” of the conflicting interests in allotting the family home after separation or divorce and their governing rules. The critical review of the judicial doctrine, which considers the preservation of the domestic “habitat” as an exclusive criterion, leads the Author to redefine the axiological foundation of the current legislation, to put forward a different interpretation able to optimize the promotion of child’s best interest, without affecting competing interests in an unreasonable and disproportionate way.

Key words: family home; interests; balance.

Resumen: El ensayo ofrece un “mapa” de los intereses en conflicto en la asignación de la vivienda familiar después de la separación o el divorcio y sus reglas de gobierno. La revisión crítica de la doctrina judicial, que considera la preservación del “hábitat” doméstico como criterio exclusivo, lleva al autor a redefinir el fundamento axiológico de la legislación vigente, para proponer una interpretación diferente capaz de optimizar la promoción del interés superior del menor, sin afectar los intereses en competencia de una manera irracional y desproporcionada.

Palabras clave: vivienda familiar; intereses; equilibrio

I. Introductory remarks.
II. Interpretation of the allocation rules and legal models on custody of the offspring.
III. Redefinition of the axiological foundation of the allocation and “concrete” balancing of competing interests.
IV. What concept of “family home”?
V. Judicial harmonization of conflicting interests: partial allocation and prevalence of the non-custodial parent existential needs.

Revista indexada en SCOPUS (Q3), REDIB, ANVUR (Clase “A”), LATINDEX, CIRC (B), MIAR.

Referencia: Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana Nº 15 bis, agosto 2021, ISSN: 2386-4567, pp. 64-75.


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